Mathew Boudreaux

Mx Domestic and Their Journey of Trauma Healing Through Sewing & Crafting

Mathew Boudreaux, AKA MxDomestic, is a crafting powerhouse on a mission to build an inclusive community that spreads love and joy through making.

While Mx Domestic began sewing at a young age, their parents’ antiquated gender binary expectations discouraged them from fully exploring their passion and expressing themself. That all changed in 2013 after they and their spouse gave birth to their beautiful daughter, who filled Mx Domestic with inspiration. Shortly after the birth of their daughter Mathew’s spouse gifted them classes from “Modern Domestic” and it rekindled their love of sewing and crafting.

Mx Domestic was able to masterfully combine their love of crafting with their Portland State MBA, harnessing the power of social media to create an inclusive brand all their own. Today, Mx Domestic is a fabric & pattern designer, sewing instructor, owner of the new online sewing school SEW U, an inspirational speaker, consultant, and global influencer with their social media community on TikTok, YouTube, Facebook & Instagram.

Lone Star Quilt Pattern:

Get a taste of Mathew's style and aesthetic is this timeless classic pattern.

Click Here!

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